Our FloorPro®
Digital Invoice
Storage and Retrieval System eliminates the need to file invoices
by hand. In addition, this system gives all system users access
to dealer invoices. Any system user can directly
access up to 10 years of invoices on-line. Not only do the users have
on-line access to all of the invoice information, but the system
retains and displays additional information which is not printed on
the invoice, such as cost, gross margin, commission code, trip points,
mill shipment number, etc.
All invoices are stored and filed
electronically. No scanning is required. Using this system,
there is no need to print and store a numerical copy and a separate
dealer copy. This can reduce your invoice form by up to two copies.
This saves both labor and forms costs.
Since the invoice information is updated
and stored automatically, you'll never have to worry about a
misfiled invoice again. Any invoice can be reprinted on demand. No
special forms are required - an image of the original invoice is
reprinted on a laser printer on blank paper. This invoice looks like
a photocopy of the original invoice, except the quality of this
laser printer reproduction is generally better than most photocopiers.
This software system automatically
warns the user when a second credit memo is issued against the
same invoice. When a user views the original invoice, the system
displays the credit memo number(s), if any, which were issued against
the invoice. People doing research for claims or credits have access
to all the information they need without going to any filing
cabinets - and they don't even need to leave their desk!
Up to 10 years of invoices can be stored
on-line. The database can be searched by invoice number, customer, SKU,
and / or date range. For example, you can ask the system to display
all invoices for a particular dealer for the last 2 years if it
contains a specific type of product. The system displays a screen full
of invoice numbers in reverse date order (ie., most recent first).
By highlighting any of the invoice numbers on the screen, complete
detail information is displayed for the selected invoice.
Complete detail, including all line items and comments, can be
displayed for all invoices without printing it.
Unlike other database products, which can
take several minutes to search for an invoice, our FloorPro®
product is lightning fast - it searches through years of
information in only a few seconds.